Tag Archives: bored

Long vacation car ride .. :)

Hello girls! I love going on vacations, but I don’t like long car rides, do you?  Were you just sitting in the car, yawning, looking through the window and thinking about how bored are you? Today I’m going to tell you how to survive a long vacation ride. Let’s start!

Take pictures! Don’t forget your camera, you can take pictures and also look at older ones. Don’t forget your camera charger too!

Talk to the people. You can talk about your vacation, plans, tell some funny stories. Getting into a really largeinteresting conversation can make time pass, but you can also play some games! Here are some nice games to play:

Story-telling: One passenger starts a story with a single sentence. Then the next person adds a sentence. Continue until you build a complete story.

Radio game: While the radio is off, each rider chooses a word. Turn the radio on. The winner is the person whose word is spoken or sung first.

Word sequence: Choose a topic such as animals, places, television shows, people, fruit, etc. Name something in your category. If you choose animals you might say “panda.” The next player has to name an animal that starts with the last letter of your animal. In this example, their animal would have to start with the letter “A” such as “alligator.” Play continues until someone can’t think of a word. They are then eliminated. When you have only 1 person left, they are the winner. You cannot use any animal name twice!

The Rhyming game: Someone picks a word to start with, such as “ball.” The next player has to come up with a word that rhymes. Play continues until someone cannot think of a rhyming word.

Dump / Marry / Date. Name three famous people and decide what to do with them.

Fill in the blank “Sitting in this car is better than _______.”
Example: Sitting in this car is better than being locked in a gas station bathroom stall.

Just sleep! Don’t forget your pillow! 🙂

Read magazines or books, but if you get carsick easily, don’t. You can listen to audiobooks, it’s awesome too. When you’re reading or listening, you forget about everything around and it’s really great! I recommend these popular and good books:

For sure – Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins,large11

Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth,

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green,

The Selection trilogy by Kiera Cass,

The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare,

Matched trilogy by Ally Condie,

Unearthly series by Cynthia Hand,

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and so on.

Surf the internet! Twitter, tumblr, youtube, go where you want to. 🙂

Listen to music! Just bring earphones or headphones with you. You don’t want to annoy other people traveling with you. 🙂

I think this is it! Bye,
